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ISI Recruitment 2018-19 Walk-in for MTS/Computer Trainee Vacancy (Kolkata)

ISI Recruitment

Walk-In interview is to be conducted by Indian Statistical Institute for ISI Recruitment of MTS/Computer Trainee Vacancy in Kolkata. Interested candidates can visit ISI official website and appear for the walk-in interview as prescribed.

Indian Statistical Institute has provided details for ISI Recruitment 2018 notification of MTS/Computer Trainee Vacancy on its official website in different advertisements PDF including all the detailed information and entire eligibility criteria as per the requirement of the vacant posts.

Walk-in for MTS/Computer Trainee Vacancy (Kolkata) on: 17, 20 & 27-07-2018!!!

ISI is going to conduct walk-in interview for Multitasking Staff (Electrician), Attendants Electrical, Operator-cum-Mechanic on 17-07-2018, for computer trainee on 20-07-2018 and for Project Linked Persons on 27-07-2018 at the address mentioned below.

Grab more details regarding ISI Recruitment 2018-2019 by going through the content provided in this page by the dedicated team members of www.recruitmentinboxx.com.

ISI Recruitment

ISI Recruitment Details:

Post Name Total No. of Vacancies Qualifications Required
Multitasking Staff (Electrician/Attendants Electrical/ Operator-cum-Mechanic) 01 School Final, National Trade Certificate (NTC)/ (ITI passed out) or equivalent
Computer Trainee 01 B.Tech in Information technology /computer science with minimum 75% marks in marks in SSC & at least 75% marks in B.Tech.
Project Linked Persons 03 M.Sc./B.E./B.Tech in relevant fields as per the requirements of the posts.

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Age Criteria:

Candidates must not be more than 35 years of age if applying for the posts of MTS/Computer Trainee. Relaxation will be provided to the candidates belonging to the as per the existing government rules adopted by the organization.


Post Name Salary Amount (Rs. Per Month)
Multitasking Staff (Electrician) 20,000/- to 22,000/-
Attendants Electrical 18,000/- to 20,000/-
Operator-cum-Mechanic 20,000/- to 22,000/-
Computer Trainee Upto 20,000/-
Project Linked Persons 20,000/- to 30,000/-

 Press Here For ISI Recruitment Of MTS Advertisement

Press Here For ISI Project Linked Persons Vacancies Notification

ISI Recruitment Process:

Screening committee of Indian Statistical Institute has decided to select the candidates for the vacant posts mentioned above on the basis of their performance in walk-in interview as per the norms of the institute.

Read Out Below Shared Links For Test/ Interview:

Procedure to Apply for ISI Recruitment:

  • Visit the ISI official website that is www.isical.ac.in or the direct link mentioned below to get details regarding ISI walk-in interview.
  • Through home page of the official portal press “Jobs” tab provided on the section on the left side of the page.
  • Now hit the appropriate link for the recruitment of MTS, Computer Trainee or Project Linked Persons as per your choice which will navigate you to a PDF containing all entire details.
  • Applicants are advised to go through the appeared advertisement carefully and if you are found eligible for the ISI vacancies then you may take your resume to the below mentioned address along with the relevant necessary documents and attend the walk-in interview as scheduled.

Press Here For ISI Computer Trainee Recruitment Notification

Press Here For ISI Official Link

Walk-In Interview Details:

Post Name Venue Dates Reporting Timings
Multitasking Staff (Electrician/Attendants Electrical/ Operator-cum-Mechanic) ITI, Tollygunge, 24 Chandi Ghosh Road, Kolkata – 700040 17-07-2018 09:00 am
Computer Trainee Theoretical Statistics & Mathematics Unit (L1 Seminar Room, 3rd Floor of Kolmogorov Bhawan) of ISI, Kolkata 20-07-2018 02:00 pm
Project Linked Persons Electronics & Communication Sciences Unit (9th Floor, Satyen Bose Bhavan/Library Building) of ISI, Kolkata 27-07-2018 11:30 am


After going through all the above details candidates must have understood the procedure to attend walk-in interview of ISI Recruitment 2018-2019. For more related updates subscribe our web page by providing a valid email address.

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