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SSC CGL Mock Test 2022 – Practice Free Online Test Series for Tier 1

SSC CGL Mock Test

Boost your SSC CGL 2022 Tier 1 Examination by taking the Free SSC CGL Mock Test provided on this page. Practice SSC CGL Online Test Series to prepare effectively and efficiently for one of the toughest competitive examinations held in India.

SSC CGL 2022 Tier 1 Exam includes four sections -Quantitative Aptitude, General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, and English Comprehension. Applicants can practice the SSC CGL Mock Test 2022 Series and devise a strategy for the SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Preparation. The SSC CGL Online Mock Test Series provided here will help you prepare for each section.

Free SSC CGL Practice Test Download!!!

Download SSC CGL Mock Test Free PDF from here. To qualify SSC CGL Exam, one needs strong preparation and confidence. This confidence can be achieved by complete preparation for the exam. The SSC CGL Tier 1 Free Mock Test will help you ace the exam.

Here in the below section of this page; we, the team of www.recruitmentinboxx.com have given some important questions from SSC CGL Mock Test 2022. Candidates must take as many as SSC CGL Tier 1 Online Test series to increase their chances of success.

SSC CGL Mock Test

For the easiness of candidates, we have provided SSC CGL free online mock test on the beneath section of this page. Candidates are advised to go through SSC CGL 2022 Online Test Series and start their preparation accordingly.

SSC CGL Mock Test for Quantitative Aptitude

Question 1: A and B have to type a book together containing 120 pages. A takes 9 hrs to type 36 pages and B takes 5 hrs to type 40 pages. A typed the first 60 pages alone and the last 60 pages were typed by A and B together. How much time (in hours) will be taken to type the complete book?

A. 24
B. 20
C. 12
D. 15

Answer: Option B

Question 2: The ratio of present ages of Ratnabali and Shaukat is 8:5. After 22 years the ratio of their ages will be 10:9. At present, what is Ratnabali’s age?

A. 5
B. 14
C. 81
D. 8

Answer: Option D

Question 3: The sum of the ages of husband and wife at present is 56. Ten years ago the product of their ages was 320. What is the age of the husband and the wife?

A. 28, 28
B. 32, 24
C. 30, 26
D. 29, 27

Answer: Option C

Question 4: A is 50% as efficient as B. C does half of the work done by A and B together. If C alone does the work in 20 days, then A, B and C together can do the work in

A. 17/3days
B. 20/3days
C. 6 days
D. 7 days

Answer: Option B

Question 5: If the cost price of 15 articles is equal to the selling price of 12 articles, find gain%

A. 20
B. 25
C. 18
D. 21

Answer: Option B

Question 6: A sum of Rs 76 is divided among A, B, and C in such a way that A gets 7 more than that what B gets and B gets 6 more than what C gets. The ratio of their shares is

A. 19 : 24 : 33
B. 32 : 24 : 20
C. 32 : 25 : 19
D. 19 : 25 : 33

Answer: Option C

Question 7: If the distance between two point (0, -5) and (x, 0) is 13 unit, then x =

A. 10
B. ± 10
C. 12
D. ± 12

Answer: Option D

Question 8: A rectangular sheet of metal is 40 cm by 15 cm. Equal squares of side 4 cm are cut off at the corners and the remainder is folded up to form an open rectangular box. The volume of the box is

A. 896 cm3
B. 986 cm3
C. 600 cm3
D. 916 cm3

Answer: Option A

Question 9: You arrive at your school 5 minutes late if you walk with a speed of 4 km/h, but you arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled time if you walk with a speed of 5 km/h. The distance of your school from your house (in km) is

A. 4
B. 5
C. 10
D. 2

Answer: Option B

Question 10: A tank 40 m long, 30 m broad, and 12 m deep is dug in a field 1000 m long and 30 m wide. By how much will the level of the field rise if the earth dug out of the tank is evenly spread over the field?

A. 2 metre
B. 1.2 metre
C. 0.5 metre
D. 5 metre

Answer: Option C

Do You Know: How To Prepare For SSC CGL

SSC CGL Mock Test for General Intelligence and Reasoning

Question 1: If 9@3=12; 15@4=22; 16@14=4; then what is the value of 6@2=?

A 26
B 1
C 30
D 8

Answer: Option D

Question 2: The weights of 4 boxes are 30, 20, 60, and 70 kilograms. Which of the following cannot be the total weight, in kilograms, of any combination of these boxes, and in a combination a box can be used only once?

A. 180
B. 150
C. 120
D. 170

Answer: Option D

Question 3: A, B, C, D, and E are standing in a row. D is the immediate neighbor of A and E. B is at the immediate right of E and C is on the extreme right. Who is fourth to the left of C?

A. B
B. E
C. C
D. A

Answer: Option D

Question 4: In the following question, correct the equation by interchanging two signs.
6 + 8 ÷ 4 – 4 = 8

A. ÷ and =
B. ÷ and +
C. ÷ and –
D. + and –

Answer: Option D

Question 5: Which of the following interchanges in signs will make the given equation correct?
17- 15 x 5 = 250

A. = and x
B. x and –
C. = and –
D. None of the above

Answer: Option B

Question 6: The weights of 4 boxes are 40, 70, 80, and 50 kilograms.Which of the following cannot be the total weight, in kilograms, of any combination of these boxes, and in a combination a box can be used only once

A. 240
B. 160
C. 200
D. 220

Answer: Option D

Question 7: Nine years later, the age of B will be equal to the present age of A. Sum of A’s age 3 years later and B’s age 4 years ago is 76. If C is half of the present age of B, then what will be C’s age (in years) after 10 years?

A. 32
B. 36
C. 27
D. 31

Answer: Option C

Directions (8-10): In each of the following questions, select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.

Question 8: 6 : 42 : : 7 : ?

A. 40
B. 56
C. 48
D. 52

Answer: Option B

Question 9: D × H : 4 × 8 , as M × Q : ?

A. 14 × 18
B. 12 × 17
C. 12 × 16
D. 13 × 17

Answer: Option D

Question 10: Garbage : House : : Gangue : ?

A. Ore
B. Drugs
C. Factory
D. Office

Answer: Option A

Read Now: How to Crack SSC Exam

SSC CGL Mock Test for General Awareness

Question 1: Which of the following Neolithic sites gives evidence of trough residence?

A. Burzahom
B. Brahmagiri
C. Chirand
D. Maski

Answer: Option A

Question 2: Which country is the largest producer of Rice?

A. Brazil
B. China
C. The United States
D. India

Answer: Option B

Question 3: The ionosphere overlaps which two layers of the atmosphere?

A. Troposphere and Mesosphere
B. Mesosphere and Stratosphere
C. Ionosphere and Hemisphere
D. Exosphere and Thermosphere

Answer: Option D

Question 4: Which are the oldest mountains in India?

A. Western Ghats
B. Satpura Range
C. Aravallis
D. Eastern Ghats

Answer: Option C

Question 5: The polar ice-caps are made of ____________ water.

A. saline
B. salt
C. sour
D. fresh

Answer: Option D

Question 6: Artificial Intelligent robot named Shelley developed by the MIT media lab writes which type of stories?

A. Love
B. Action
C. Drama
D. Horror

Answer: Option D

Question 7: The instrument for measuring low temperatures is called

A. Diagometer
B. Cryometer
C. Chromatoptometer
D. Thermometer

Answer: Option B

Question 8: Which football player has won the FIFA World Player Award (FIFA Ballon d’Or) for four years in a row?

A. Andres Iniesta
B. Christiano Ronaldo
C. Lionel Messi
D. Michel Platini

Answer: Option C

Question 9: Kevin Durant plays which International Sport?

A. Golf
B. Baseball
C. Basketball
D. Boxing

Answer: Option C

Question 10: First Indian woman to get Bharat Ratna

A. Indira Gandhi
B. Vijay Laxmi Pandit
C. Mother Teresa
D. Leela Seth

Answer: Option A

Check Imp Related Links:

SSC CGL Exam Pattern SSC CGL Previous Papers
SSC CGL Syllabus SSC CGL Preparation Books

SSC CGL Mock Test for English Comprehension

Question 1: In the following question, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of four alternatives suggested, select the one, which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active voice.

Jayesh has sent the email.

A. The email has had been sent by Jayesh.
B. The email has been sent by Jayesh.
C. The email was sent by Jayesh.
D.The email was send by Jayesh.

Answer: Option B

Question 2: In the following question, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active voice.

He mailed his application for a new job.

A. The application for a new job is mailed by him.
B. The application for a new job was mailed by him.
C. He is the mailer of the application for a new job.
D. He was the mailer of the application for a new job.

Answer: Option B

Question 3: In the following question, a sentence has been given in Active Voice/Passive Voice, Out of the four alternatives suggested; select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/ Active Voice.

The people couldn’t move me to the hospital and the doctor operated on me at home.

A. I couldn’t be moved to the hospital and was operated on at home by the doctor.
B. I couldn’t be moved to the hospital and I had to be operated on at home.
C. I couldn’t be moved to the hospital and I was operated at home by the doctor.
D. I couldn’t be moved to the hospital by the people and operated on at home.

Answer: Option A

Question 4: In the following question, some parts of the sentences have errors and some have none, Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If there is no error then your answer is d:i.e. No error.

The accused refused/to answer to the policeman/on duty./No error

A. The accused refused
B. to answer to the policeman
C. on duty.
D. No error

Answer: Option B

Directions (5-6): In the following questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part at a, b, and c which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed your answer is d.

Question 5: When the beverage was ready, they drank possibly as much as they could.

A. as much as they possibly could
B. as much as possibly they could
C. as much as they could possibly
D. No improvement

Answer: Option A

Question 6: You shall have attended if the court had instructed you to do so.

A. would have had to attend
B. would attend
C. would have to
D. No improvement

Answer: Option A

Question 7: In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/ Phrase printed in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.

I am very interested to know the outcome of the debate, kindly keep me in the loop.

A. out of it
B. informed about the fees
C. informed about the last date of joining
D. informed regularly

Answer: Option D

Question 8: In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

To make a fuss about

A. To be extremely delighted
B. To work hard for eventual success
C. To be very strict or have very high standards
D. An excessive display of attention or activity

Answer: Option D

Question 9: Select the antonym of demure

A. humble
B. bold
C. coy
D. sober

Answer: Option B

Question 10: Select the synonym of ‘splayed’

A. nimble
B. jade
C. frayed
D. spread

Answer: Option D

Procedure to download SSC CGL Mock Test 2022:

Candidates can download the SSC CGL mock test papers with answers with the help of below stated simple and easy guidelines:

  • First of all, you have to visit the official web portal of the staff selection commission that is ssc.nic.in for SSC CGL mock test or SSC CGL Tier I Mock Test.
  • On the home page of the official web portal, you have to hit on the “candidates corner” tab given in the menu bar for SSC CGL 2022 mock test
  • A drop-down list will appear on your screen and you have to hit on the appropriate link for the SSC CGL Tier 1 mock test
  • A new page will appear on your screen and you have to hit on a suitable link for the SSC CGL Tier 1 mock test.
  • SSC CGL Online Test Series will appear on your screen and you have to hit on “Start Exam” button
  • This will take you to the SSC CGL free mock test and you can start your exam. Download SSC CGL Mock Test In Hindi or SSC CGL Mock Test In English on your desktop.

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Final Words:

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