UPTET Syllabus
Check here the Uttar Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test (TET) पाठ्यक्रम!!! Concerned candidates can now download the UPTET Syllabus 2023 – 2024 and Exam Pattern for Paper I/II in PDF Format by hitting on the below-mentioned direct links.
Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB) conducts the State Level Eligibility Test to hire eligible candidates as Primary (1st to 5th standard) and Secondary (6th to 8th standards) School Teachers in various government schools of the state.
UPTET Syllabus in Hindi – Details
जो व्यक्ति शिक्षक पात्रता परीक्षा पीएफ उत्तर प्रदेश की तैयारी कर रहे हैं वे अब यूपीटीईटी पाठ्यक्रम 2023 – 2024 और पेपर I / II के लिए इस वेब पेज के निचले भाग से परीक्षा पैटर्न डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं। पाठ्यक्रम की सहायता से, उम्मीदवार उत्तर प्रदेश टीईटी परीक्षा में आने वाले विषयों के बारे में सटीक और वास्तविक जानकारी प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
यूपी टीईटी पाठ्यक्रम में बाल विकास और अध्यापन, भाषा-प्रथम, भाषा-द्वितीय, गणित, पर्यावरण अध्ययन और विज्ञान या सामाजिक अध्ययन जैसे प्रत्येक विषय के बारे में विवरण होंगे जिसमें से परीक्षा में प्रश्न पूछे जाएंगे। यूपीटीईटी पेपर पैटर्न जो कि www.recruitmentinboxx.com की टीम द्वारा दिया गया है, के अनुसार, यूपीटीईटी का पेपर 1 कक्षा 1-5 के लिए होगा और पेपर 2 कक्षा 6-8 के लिए होगा।
UPTET Syllabus
UPTET Paper 1 Syllabus 2023
UP TET Syllabus of Child Development and Pedagogy:
- Child Development: Concept of growth and development, Principles and dimensions of development, Factors affection development (especially in the context of family and school) and its relationship with learning
- Role of Heredity and environment included in UPTET Syllabus 2023.
- Meaning and Concept of learning and its processes, Factors Affection learning
- Theories of learning and its implication
- How Children learn and think.
- Motivation and Implications for Learning included in UPTET Syllabus 2023.
Get Here: UPTET Sample Papers
- Individual Differences: Meaning, types and factors Affection Individual differences Understanding individual differences on the basis of language, gender, community, caste & religion.
- Personality: Concept and types of personality, Factors responsible for shaping it, Its measurement included in UP TET Exam Syllabus 2023.
- Intelligence: Concept, Theories and its measurement, Multidimensional Intelligence
- Understanding diverse learners: Backward, Mentally retarded, gifted, creative, disadvantaged and deprived, specially abled.
- Learning Difficulties
- Adjustment: Concept and ways of adjustment, Role of teacher in the adjustment included in UPTET Syllabus 2023.
- Teaching learning process, Teaching learning strategies and methods in the context of National Curriculum Framework 2005
- Meaning and purposes of Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation, Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation, Constriction of Achievement Test
- Action Research included in UPTET 2023 Syllabus
- Right to Education Act 2009 (Role and Responsibilities of Teachers)
UPTET English Syllabus:
- English
- Hindi
- Urdu
- Sanskrit
UPTET Mathematics Syllabus:
- Number system
- Fractions
- Arithmetic
- Geometry
- Measurements
- Data Applications
UPTET Syllabus of Environmental Studies
- Our Body
- My Family
- Work & Play
- Plants and Animals
- Our Food
- Air
- Water
- Earth and Sky
- Our country (India)
- Our state (Andhra Pradesh)
- History and culture of India
- Indian constitution
Also Get State Wise Detailed: TET Syllabus
UPTET Paper 2 Syllabus 2023
Syllabus of Child Development and Pedagogy, Languages and Mathematics are same as above.
Science & Social Studies
- Concept and scope of Environmental Studies (Science & Social Studies)
- Aims & Objectives of teaching Environmental Studies (Science & Social Studies)
- Relation to Science and Social Studies
- Curriculum and its transaction
UPTET Hindi Syllabus:
- अलंकार, रस.
- पर्यायवाची.
- विलोम,समास.
- संधियां.
- तत्सम एवं तद्भव.
- अनेकार्थी शब्द.
- लोकोक्तियां एवं मुहावरे.
- वाक्याशों के लिये एक शब्द निर्माण.
- वाक्यसंशोधन- लिंग, वचन, कारक, काल, वर्तनी, त्रुटि से संबंधित.
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UPTET Exam Pattern
UPTET Paper 1 Exam Pattern:
- UPTET Paper 1 consists of 5 sections and each section contains 30 questions each.
- The total questions in exam will be 150 and each question carries 1 mark.
- The section on Child pedagogy and development will evaluate the applicants on educational psychology of teaching and learning for the age group of 6-11 years as per UPTET Syllabus 2023.
- Maths and EVS sections will evaluate the applicants for facts, concepts and understanding of the subject.
- The standard of questions in paper I as per UPTET 2023 Paper Pattern will be according to the topics given by NCERT in the syllabus for class I -V.
Section | Subjects | No. of MCQs | Total Marks |
1 | Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
2 | Languages-I (English / Hindi / Gujrati / Punjabi / Sindhi / Urdu) | 30 | 30 |
3 | Language-II (English / Hindi / Gujrati / Punjabi / Sindhi / Urdu) | 30 | 30 |
4 | Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
5 | Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 |
UPTET Paper 2 Exam Pattern:
- UPTET Paper 1 2023 will consist of 4 sections out of which 3 sections are necessary for every applicant.
- Applicants interested in Maths and Science will have to appear for I A and other entrants interested in social science and other subjects should attempt 1 B.
- The standard of questions in paper II as per UPTET Exam Pattern will be according to the topics prescribed by NCERT in UPTET Syllabus 2023 for class VI-VIII.
Section | Subjects | No. of MCQs | Total Marks |
1 | Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
2 | Languages-I (English / Hindi / Gujrati / Punjabi / Sindhi / Urdu) | 30 | 30 |
3 | Language-II (English / Hindi / Gujrati / Punjabi / Sindhi / Urdu) | 30 | 30 |
4 | Mathematics & Science or Social Studies & Other Subject | 60 | 60 |
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UPTET Notification 2023 Details
For the year 2023, Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board will release the UPTET Notification in the month of August 2023 for UPTET. Through the UPTET, eligible candidates will be shortlisted for the vacancies of Primary & Secondary level Teachers for the Government Schools accredited to Board or Government Schools in Uttar Pradesh.
The UP TET Exam is organized under two levels with Part I held for the Primary Teachers (Class I to V) and Upper Primary Teachers (Class VI to VIII) respectively in October 2023.
To apply for UPTET Exam candidates have to fill Online Application Form as per the scheduled dates. If you are one of them who are planning to prepare for Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test may download UPTET Syllabus 2023 through this page and start preparation.
We hope the UPTET Syllabus 2023 – 2024, which is given above, will definitely help you in your study. You can also download the Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test Syllabus 2023 through this Official Link. For more details about any UPTET Syllabus PDF, score card, admit card etc keep connected with our web portal that is www.recruitmentinboxx.com regularly.
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